
What Clients Say

 Someone’s story of their life and transformation is constantly unfolding.  And offers great light, when we stop to listen and relate.

testimonials on this page are like candle flames bearing light

Client testimonials addressing the benefits of transformative self-growth and healing through work with me.
Each client testimonial on this page is a candle flame bearing light.  What do their words awaken within you?

To explore the areas I was resisting.

“I found the work with Emily to be a journey that deepened and expanded what already existed inside me. It allowed me to explore the areas I was resisting, so that I could have some real conversation with myself and step more fully into my own journey.”    

The spark for transformation I deeply desired.

“I entered my work with Emily with the hopes to learn new tools for self betterment and a commitment to engage these lessons moving forward in life. I benefited so much in all facets of my life and relationships…strengthening the foundation from which I now stand stronger today. See, what I didn’t realize was that this commitment would become the spark for transformation that I deeply desired, to grow deep in trust and love with myself. I was feeling ready to ask myself the hardest questions of my whole life -and honestly answer. What became apparent to me was that I had held on so tightly to old stories of my past that these experiences were holding me back from my future. With time and support, I found myself more excited than I was afraid of what was unknown on this journey. Furthered commitment to learning about myself has opened me up to accessing a bigger, brighter present and future than I could have ever imagined.” 

Find nuggets of self-worth that have been buried.

“I have struggled with self-esteem for many years, and each year, I questioned my skills and self-worth even more.  The program with Emily opened me up to once again believing that  I am worthy.  I found nuggets of self-worth in me that have been buried and came to understand that what is beautiful in me is worth fighting for.  And, that means accepting me as me at this moment and yet continuing to seek 'a more perfect union' of the existing me with the me I want to be in the future.  As I experience more clarity in myself, I can offer a better self to others.” 

Excitement and anticipation about my future (in my 70’s!).

"As a person in the ‘Midlife of Wisdom Years’ (I’m in my 70’s!), I found excitement and anticipation about my future; while learning to reflect and grow every day.  This was a huge gift to myself - inviting happier, more rewarding days in my life!  My only regret is that I didn’t have access to this in the earlier 'Midlife' years of my life.”  

How to stop struggling…and trust myself and my abilities.

“As a Coach, I’ve done a significant amount of personal development work!  My work with Emily has been the most impactful work I’ve ever done, and has far exceeded my expectations. I’ve transformed my relationship with abundance and money, I’ve learned how to stop struggling when it comes to my business and start approaching it joyfully again... I’ve learned how to listen to my body on a deeper level and approach my health from a place of ease.  And, most importantly, I’ve learned how to trust myself and my abilities... and lean into my own intuition.” 

More self growth than I could have imagined.

“As a result of this program I transitioned from intellectually thinking that self-care is important to spiritually knowing the vital role of self-care in my life. I will be forever grateful for the work with Emily as a time that completely revitalized me and helped me deepen my commitment to the practices I already loved while adding several new and absolutely wonderful tools too. In this time I experienced more self-growth than I could have imagined and reconnected with my life path - what a tremendous gift!”

comfort level I never thought I would get too.

“I have gained, in my work with Emily, tools to move forward and a comfort level I never thought I would get to. The calmness, peace and prosperity I experienced is uplifting, and spiritual… I feel blessed with the gifts of peace and calm in the chaotic world we live in.”

I am comfortable with my purpose as an elder.

“The gifts I received in this process will continue to aid life's journey. I am comfortable with my purpose as an elder. I feel grounded and connected.”

I began to realize I wasn’t just here for physical healing…I required soul work.  

“Before I began working with Emily I was struggling with my path in life; I was very successful in my career, my marriage and had good relationships but felt extremely challenged to live, everyday. I was making good things happen, but I was not fully present to enjoy my life. My health was in flux, leaving me feeling poorly most of the time. I believed it was my autoimmune condition that was the cause and I sought help… Books, medication, more books, doctors and specialists. One day I met with a caring practitioner who believed that the root of my suffering and autoimmunity could be PTSD and recommended I meet with Emily for acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine. Overtime I began to realize that I wasn’t just here for physical healing, but I required soul work. Emily was kind and gently ushered me into this realm, and offered to walk alongside me on this journey. Since that time, I have been more honestly myself than I ever have been! I’ve worked on untethering from the past events that triggered stress, I’ve learned to be mindful and care for myself first. I learned how much choice I have in my life, with my emotions and relationships. I’ve learned to loose control and trust, to embrace life’s experiences. I’ve learned to see myself and love myself and give myself grace to be me. This all gives me peace. Emily is a loving guide into a space that may be confusing to enter into. Her wisdom precedes her years on this earth and she is a safe space to be yourself and to figure out what that is… this type of healing and love we can all use more of. Only the openness to talk about what you're going through is required, and Emily provides an excellent listening ear and nourishing food for thought.”

At Midlife with more freedom to be myself.

“At midlife and finding myself in a position of transitioning my life’s priorities, I struggled to find my purpose. Even with all the great success I've achieved in my career, I no longer wanted that career to define who I was. I wanted to focus on myself and especially my health. Working with Emily is truly a joy. It’s been a journey and plenty of work that I hadn’t been able to imagine prior. It only requires an open mind and willingness to walk the path and co-create your journey. Through our time together I’ve been able to heal many old deep wounds and access some amazing revelations about myself. And this greater understanding has allowed me to feel the best I have ever experienced in my life. I’ve found myself with purpose so much greater than I had before been able to imagine. I’m aligned with my values in this lifetime. I’m more confident, I feel more comfortable in my own skin, I have more freedom to be myself. It’s a tremendous privilege.”

Looking head on into the stories I had been telling myself.

“Prior to doing the program with Emily I had been experiencing a deep feeling of disconnectedness. Going through the pandemic, retiring a bit earlier than planned and moving full time to a state that I was trying to make peace with, all added to this sense of loneliness, of being shut down and protected. This work has been profound for me; allowing me to open up and come home to myself. It allowed me to look head on into the stories that I have been telling myself for a long time. I am filled with gratitude for this opportunity and for Emily’s heart-felt stewardship through this amazing journey. She offered a safe, trusted space to allow vulnerability to wash through me and profound change to take place.”

Once a skeptic – now a believer.

“Energetic integrative healing worked for me. Dealing with recent hypertension and increased blood pressure readings raised my concern level. My western doctor was recommending lifelong medications. I didn’t want to do that. I preferred eastern options to adding meds to my daily routine. So, I reached out to Emily. During one hour phone sessions, Emily’s skills produced a return to normal blood pressure and reduced my muscle tension. She is so knowledgeable, calming, and insightful in tailoring the sessions to my issues. As a previous skeptic, I am now eager to continue to age with grace and health support. I have full confidence in Emily’s abilities and philosophy to ease my path. Once a skeptic - now a believer.”

My attitude changed enormously & I can drive again.

“My attitude with which I am in life has changed enormously as a result of working with Emily. Let me give you a simple example. After six months of illness, I can drive a car again. Last week I had to fill up with petrol. The night before I felt panic rising. After all, sometimes the gas cap refuses. I greeted the panic. Then it occurred to me that there is always a kind person who helps me in that case. Panic disappeared and I felt longing for tomorrow’s day rising. Who would I meet at the petrol station? The next morning, to my delight, I got my gas cap off by myself. Unfortunately, I didn’t meet anyone.”

When I felt like I had lost part of me to old age.

“Asking “Who are you?” has been a long time question for me. With one example from my late 30’s etched in my mind. Now, as a 75 year old woman, retired H.H. Social Worker, mother of 2 boys aged 45 and 43 years, and wife of a retired football coach-teacher… The recent workshop struck me with continued questions as to “who are you, Linda?” And when I felt like I had lost part of me to old age, our time together opened the door for me to look into myself with interest and wonder. Your skills and sense of joy, Emily, always carry me along my journey.”

Full of trust, gratitude, peacefulness and humanity.

"We, four long-time friends, explored in a focused group session with Emily conversations on how to love ourselves... My experience was full of trust, gratitude, peacefulness and humanity. The entire experience was uplifting and reinforcing for loving myself and loving others. I yearn for more. Thank you."

Holding space for the next testimonial… maybe it’s yours?