

The AUM Journey: Walking Together

We are each Divinely embodied Beings walking a sacred path.  

Diversity and authentic heart-centered individual expression are supported at AUM Holistic Healing Arts.

In this space, you are encouraged to be YOU! 

Whatever your race, color, religion, spiritual faith, national origin, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, or level of ability…

You are a beautiful bright spark in this world and your presence is a gift to behold.

It’s an honor to walk together with you.

AUM Values

About AUM Holistic Healing Arts – Love, Curiosity, Trust, Harmony and Grace

Living a life of fulfillment is more than just maintenance of health or following a prescribed protocol – it’s about diving inside ourselves to:

  • Discover and cultivate what nourishes our hearts and souls 
  • Identify what gives us purpose and inspiration 
  • Embody gratitude, appreciation and love

The AUM approach is to cultivate a sacred space of trust within which we can pursue curiosity and a desire to always learn and grow with a sense of wonder. Through balance, unity and compassion, we can journey to find harmony and divine grace. Ultimately, this affords cultivation of a grounded felt-experience of hope that allows for mistakes; patience; and forgiveness of self and others.


Practicing cross cultural wisdom of the Four Fold Way:

    • show up and choose to be present; 
    • pay attention to what has heart and meaning; 
    • speak the truth without blame or judgment; 
    • and remain open to outcome, not attached to outcome. 

(Thanks Angeles Arrien, for these cross-cultural guideposts!)

AUM Mission

To help connect individuals with the Truth that lies in their heart.

So they can optimize their opportunity to fulfill their life vision and purpose… 

Embracing greater peace, love, joy, health and well-being in their lives.  

And to support communities to foster an authentically heart-centered approach to their collective experience.

What is a Discovery Call?

This zoom call offers us an opportunity to connect in order to gain clarity and insight around possible next best steps for you.

Together, we will determine whether working together is a good fit for you.  And if so, what that would look like.

If there’s a whole different path awaiting you, sometimes that becomes clear on the call too.

A Discovery Call is complimentary. There is no obligation. And there’s no pressure!

Can’t wait to connect with you.